Hillary and Bernie

I think there are a lot of people like me who love what Bernie Sanders stands for and what he is saying but still don’t want a 75-year-old person elected president. So I think there’s a lot of Bernie Sanders support that would not necessarilymind it if he did not actually win the nomination. I voted for Bernie in Massachusetts in the primary but did so primarily with the understanding that he would not be likely to actually get the nomination.

I think that having Bernie Sanders voice in the mix is incredibly useful, and is helping make sure that Hillary Clinton feels the need to follow something of a progressive agenda. But I still think Hillary Clinton will be and should be the parties actual nominee. I think that the opportunity to elect a woman president is really important even if it’s not somebody that I completely agree with.

I am guessing there are a lot of people like me who voted for Bernie in the primaries but will not be totally bummed out if he doesn’t actually win the nomination. I know that there are a lot of Bernie Sanders supporters who do not think that way, but I’d bet there are a decent number who do think that way about the election.

I am not sure, I think that Hillary Clinton is more likely to win the election than Bernie Sanders would be, which I know is one argument that Clinton supporters make for her candidacy. I think it is possible for Bernie Sanders could be the more electable of the two of them, but still think that Hillary should actually be the candidate the party chooses based on Bernie’s age and her status as a woman candidate.

Under the current circumstances,given what the Republican Party is doing to itself,I think that either of them are likely to win the election.