Democats need to figure out how to respond to DeSantis and Abbotts sending people to other States

The Democrats must recognize that border states must move people to other places. The real issue is their effort to do so without warning or coordination with the places where people are being sent. Democrats need to recognize that the only issue they can complain about is this lack of coordination. Otherwise, their declaration that some states and communities are sanctuary states and communities is meaningless. The border states have to deal with these individuals otherwise and have every reason to want them to get out of their states and get sent to other Democratic states.

Unless Democrats learn to organize their response to DeSantis and Abbott’s decisions to move immigrants out of their states, they are playing right into the Republican’s hands. You can’t claim to be providing sanctuary unless you are willing to accept people being sent to you seeking sanctuary.

So far, Democrats seem to have been unable to figure out that this is their only way to frame this issue to support them. Over and over, it seems leaders like Eric Adams refused to take this approach and instead just said it’s terrible for the states to send people away. If the border states are expected to allow immigrants in thin places like New York to claim to be available to immigrants seeking refuge, they must be willing to take them in. The response from many progressive and liberal political leaders in the Democratic Party suggests that it is wrong or that these states do not want to move immigrants.