Location of new jobs

As we try to create a new energy infrastructure we need to make sure that a significant number of the jobs created are located where the jobs being lost currently exist. This means that we need to place lots of jobs building wind turbines and making solar panels where currently there are a significant number of jobs in coal, oil, and fracking.

We should also try to produce jobs relating to battery technology where the auto industry currently makes internal combustion engines. Providing subsidies to the new industries based on whether companies do so would go a long way toward making this happen.

People who work as coal minors are in no position to sell their homes and move to where these jobs would otherwise be located. The same is true for people in lower income jobs in the oil and gas industies.

To make this approach work it would also be necessary to provide the job training required to make this work doable for the people who will need to be able to do these new jobs.

Facebook should help people see outside their bubble

The ability of Facebook’s algorithms to help people see only there own side of an issue should and could be used by Facebook to do just the opposite. Most Facebook users don’t do anything to alter their newsfeeds. Facebook should make it’s news feeds default to providing information that does not just include voices that agree with your own views.

It seems to me that the best thing would be for it to be a paid option to see a feed that is not bipartisan. A small number of people would actually spent the money to buy the partisan view. The rest of us would see a more normal view of the world.

Focus on Commonalities not Differences

It is time for the Democratic Party to begin focusing on commonalities instead of differences in people. The party has gotten so far into looking at race and gender as the basic on which to define everyone that we have lost the working class white population as part of the party’s base.

If you are a working-class white male you would have no reason to be part of the Democratic Party since you are now just treated only as the group that other constituency need to take jobs away from. One way to deal with this would be to make working-class whites a recognized constituency in their own right. This would allow the party to pay attention to the interests of this group in the same way it does with other groups it wants to reach.

An even better approach would be to focus to a greater extent on commonalities than on differences. This does not mean ignore differences, just give commonalities as much of your time and interest as you give to difference. The Democratic Party does not do anything chose to that today.

At this point if you are a white male in the Democratic Party you are viewed as largely unimportant group. It is a good thing to recognize that white males have had a privileged position for too long. But that is different than what is happening now which is to treat the group as if it to no longer matters at all which is how white males can feel today.