Liberals and Progressives talk a lot about not buying products from people who support conservative causes but it doesn’t seem that people are willing to do that when it comes to products they can’t get anywhere else and that they really want. That is certainly true of Fox Television, Fox Sports, and 20th Century Fox movies.

I believe all of those products are much more valuable to Rupert Murdoch than is Fox News so I would think that if people decided not to buy any of those products it would make a huge difference to his support of Fox News.

This is one of the few situations where it is not possible to get a product that is comparable to the one you are giving up so it is one of those few situations where you actually need to give something up to follow your political beliefs. Unless you are willing to do that, your believes are not very important to you.

I challenge all my progressive friends and others to actually make a real commitment by being willing to give up things they actually want and cannot get from other sources.

I have no in interest in having Mark Zuckerberg be the person who decides who has the ability to speak in America

The notion that social media moguls have and use their platforms to decide for the rest of who can speak to us is ridiculous, but that is what happens today because online media is how we communicate these days.

Instead, they should have the responsibility to decide whether the things people say on their platforms violate the law, and make sure that they don’t.

It is one thing, to require that what people say is responsible, but another thing to just decide that some people have no right to say anything on their platforms. They should also have the ability to decide that they do not want to publish speech they believe to be totally false or defamatory.

The social media moguls like to have and use the power to take people off their systems as a way for them not to have any responsibility to actually monitor what people use their systems to say. It is definitely true that as private businesses these social media leaders are not held to the same standards as the government would be but that does not mean they should have no responsibility whatsoever.

This is an area of the law that needs some major development to deal with the importance of social media in our society at this point. Social media is today is the place where most political speech happens.

So there needs to be a set of rules that apply to the platforms that support access to these portals regardless to how the owners of these portals feel about the content of that speech.

The first thing that should be done is to get rid of the the law that now provides that these platforms are not responsible for the content that people use their platforms to post. In my opinion, the law should also prevent them from stop removing people from their platforms as opposed to removing specific content that is illegal, clearly false, or defamatory.